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August 2022 Fractional Performance Chart Pack

August 2022 Fractional Performance Chart Pack
September 2, 2022
Dylan Dittrich

Note: data was updated to appropriately incorporate the 1952 Mantle stock split on Rally.

Altan Insights 100 Performance:

Altan Insights 100 vs. Equal-Weighted Index 2022 Performance

Reminder: Equal Weighted Index is reweighted to equal weight on a monthly basis to include all assets that have begun trading as of the end of the prior month.

Altan Insights Indices Performance Table

Altan Insights Fractional Asset Class Indices August & 2022 Performance

2022 Average ROI by Asset Class

2022 Average ROI is measured by calculating the percent change in price YTD for those assets that were trading at the start of 2022, or by calculating the percent change since IPO for those assets that began trading in 2022.

Scope of Positive Performance

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